Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made voluntarily and sets out the steps that Apricity Law (‘the Firm’) has taken and continues to take to prevent modern slavery or human trafficking taking place within our business or supply chain.
Modern slavery is an indefensible and morally reprehensible crime that deprives others of their liberty and dignity. It is a violation of the most fundamental of human rights – the right to self-determination. The term modern slavery encompasses all forms of slavery including, but not limited to, forced marriage, servitude, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour, illegal child labour, forced service in armed forces, forced drug trafficking, trafficking for the sex industry and trafficking and imprisonment in relation to organ removal. The Firm has zero tolerance to any form of modern slavery. It is committed to acting with integrity and transparency in all of its business activates including putting in place effective systems and controls to safeguard the Firm against any form of modern slavery taking place within its business or its supply chain.
The Firm expects that its contractors, suppliers and other business partners will exercise the same high standards that it does and will include within any contracts or agreements for the supply of goods or services specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children.
This statement applies to all partners and all other persons working for or associated with the Firm including employees, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, agents, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives and business partners (referred to as ‘personnel’). This statement does not form part of any person’s contract of employment or contracts for services and may be amended at any time.
Business Organisation and Employees
The Firm is a Company, registered in England and Wales with registered number 15866388 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with SRA number 8009086 in the provision of legal services.
The Firm advice and assistance in respect of all aspects of the Court of Protection, Powers of Attorney and Personal Injury Trusts.
The Firm does not use migrant labour and, all personnel are paid at or above the Living Wage Foundation rate. The standard terms and conditions of employment for all of personnel allows them to terminate their employment/contract with the Firm at any time. The Firm regards itself as being a fair and inclusive employer and take steps at all times to ensure that personnel have a good work/home life balance.
The Firm operates an equality, diversity and inclusion policy, has an anti-slavery policy in its Office Procedures Manual and is alert to the issues relating to health and wellbeing raised by the SRA, Law Society, LawCare and others.
Our supply chains
The Firm recognises that there may be modern slavery risks involved in its supply chains and undertakes assessments and due diligence exercises focused on the approval of its supplier relationships. This is an ongoing process and is reviewed and refined on a continuous basis.
The Firm’s supply chains provide it with people, goods and services to support the services it provides to our clients.
The Firm takes steps to ensure that its supply chains operate in an honest, fair and transparent manner.
The Firm is not aware of any allegations of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to any of its suppliers. Were such information to come to light it would immediately take appropriate steps to distance itself from that supplier and report the supplier to the relevant authorities.
The Firm operates an approved suppliers list that all personnel are expected to use when procuring people, goods and services. The Firm conducts due diligence on suppliers before allowing them to become an approved supplier. This due diligence includes an online search to ensure that particular organisation has never been convicted of offences relating to modern slavery. Suppliers not on the approved list must be checked out by a partner if there is any doubt as to the services provided by them before they can be used.
In addition to the above, as part of its contract with suppliers, the Firm requires suppliers to:
- Confirm that they have taken steps to eradicate modern slavery within their business;
- Require their own suppliers to provide similar confirmations as to modern slavery;
- pay their employees at least the national living wage if they are based in the UK;
The Firm’s overall objective is to establish and maintain supplier relationships which will minimise the risk of slavery and human trafficking within its supply chains.
Risk Analysis
As a professional services firm that is strictly regulated the Solicitors Regulation Authority and on the basis of the due diligence and an analysis of its business and supply chains, the Firm regards itself currently as being at a low risk of involvement in, or support for, modern slavery and human trafficking in relation to its business and supply chains.
The Firm undertakes regular risk analysis within its business and supply chain so as to ensure that it continues to be low risk.
Training and Awareness
The Firm will ensure that all personnel are trained in the importance of the avoidance of modern slavery and human trafficking and of the need to ensure that it is eradicated from the Firms business and supply chain.
To acknowledge that the existence of this Statement has been brought to their attention all Staff will be provided with a copy of it and they will be required to sign a declaration to the effect that you have received, read and understood it.
The Firm regards the matters dealt with in this Statement as being very important. Failure strictly to abide with its terms will be deemed to be a serious matter and may, as a consequence, result in disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment/contract with the Firm.
Review and Publication
This Statement will be reviewed each financial year as part of the review of the Firm’s approach to the avoidance of modern slavery and human trafficking and its effectiveness will be evaluated at that time. Any events which have occurred which cast doubt upon any aspect of the Statement will be considered and evaluated. All personnel will have each year’s Statement brought to their attention and will be advised as to the impact of any changes that are made to it.
All personnel are encouraged to put forward ideas and suggestions for developing and improving the operation of the Firm’s efforts in relation to the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking.