Professional Deputy Services
Apricity Law specialises in providing tailored Court of Protection legal services to individuals and their families who have experienced life-altering events.
We work closely with our clients, their families and healthcare professionals to ensure every decision is made in our client’s best interests.
Our passion is to ensure our clients’ voice and their wishes and feelings remain at the centre of what we do.
Stacey Bryant and Asha Beswetherick have over 50 years combined experience of supporting clients and their families. This can include supporting them through the often stressful and lengthy litigation process and other complex and challenging life events.
Every client is an individual - we take the time to listen to our clients and their families to ensure we understand their needs.
We have significant experience in relation to:
Supporting our clients and their families through traumatic events
Working closely with clients to ensure they remain central to all decisions
Connecting a client’s “team” by working with case managers, therapists and carers and the extended multi-disciplinary team
Empowering different cultures and religions within a Deputyship
Buying, selling and renting properties
Managing large building adaptation projects – the largest involving build and adaptation costs exceeding £2m
Employing care and support teams
Managing income and expenditure budget
Appointing specialist financial advisors and investment managers
Applications for statutory Wills
Applications concerning gifting
Dealing with claims for state benefits and statutory funding
Working with education specialists concerning the review or appeal of an EHCP
Working closely with litigation teams
Our years of experience means we have an extensive network of professionals we work closely with to support our clients. That includes:
Case managers
Financial advisors, accountants and tax experts
Architects, surveyors and project managers
Education specialists
Employment lawyers
Property lawyers
It is important you choose the right professional Deputy. At Apricity Law our purpose is to connect with our client and their families to ensure our client’s voice and their wishes and feelings remains at the forefront of everything we do. We are happy to meet with you to discuss how we can best provide support.